
Google Adsense被封后怎么辦?_GoogleAdsense教程


What to do when you‘re kicked out of Adsense

被 Adsense 除名后怎么辦?

I see threads here all the time from people who are either concerned with getting the "fraudulent clicks" letter, or they‘ve gotten them and now want to know how to get back in.


I am one of a handful of people (that I‘m aware of) who have had my account knocked out for invalid clicks and been reinstated a couple of months later.


So, here‘s a little tip guide primer on what to expect and what to do.


A few things first:


A) You will not receive any check that is currently unprocessed. Consider that payment forfeited (and don‘t threaten google with a lawsuit to recover it - it will just make things much, much worse).


B) Do confess to them any and all circumstances where you might have screwed up. If you didn‘t screw up and are genuinely baffled you will need your server logs to locate suspicious activity. I highly recommend getting click tracking software to monitor your ads for exactly this scenario. If you don‘t have server logs or tracking software, YOU are at fault by default.


C) The account disabling was both automated and then verified manually. Google examines the location of where clicks were coming from. If they see that too many clicks are from the same geographic area as where they send your check (or the ip you log in from) that sets off a red flag. Competitors clicking on your ads is something Google is well aware of and can track as well (they know their geographic area too)


To get your account reinstated:


A)Write google an apology and discuss steps you‘ve taken so the situation won‘t arise in the future. Don‘t avoid blame, even if you knew nothing about what your friends were doing when they decided to "help" you by clicking on your ads. The fact is, by revealing information about how you make money to someone else, you are setting yourself up for this situation. I‘m not being judgemental, just telling you how Google sees it. In your letter to them, recognize and admit this.


B)Offer to make good on any fraudulent clicks. They won‘t take you up on it, but they will know that you are genuinely sorry and want to keep their business.


C)Contact someone at google directly. Don‘t just send off a random email to adsense@google.com. Go to a webmasterworld conference. Meet someone in their company. Use that In when the conference is over. Worst case scenario, BUY an In into the company. Does someone you know have an In there? Offer to pay them to to speak to their In on your behalf. A big adwords spender with a personal ad rep is a good place to begin.


D)Seek out text ad competition immediately. Even if the ads aren‘t as high-paying as Googles (and they won‘t be), it will break the sting of losing all of your income until Google does come back around to review your case.


E)Be persistent, but polite. Send a letter (a new one) once a week. Keep reiterating your loyalty to their program and how you are prepared to write letters forever until they will understand you are committed to following their rules if they will reaccept you.


Now for the bad news....


None of this will probably help. To be reviewed for readmission, your site must be large enough that the revenue is worth a potentially risky business move.
